Congo's Ebola outbreak not yet an international emergency: WHO

GENEVA (Reuters) – An outbreak of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo does not yet constitute an international public health emergency and there are strong reasons to think it can be brought under control, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Friday.

Source: Reuters Medical News

EU warns of possible birth defect link to GSK's HIV drug

LONDON (Reuters) – Europe’s medicines regulator said it was assessing evidence that GlaxoSmithKline’s successful HIV drug dolutegravir might be linked to birth defects, adding it should not be prescribed to women seeking to become pregnant.

Source: Reuters Medical News

Sepsis: the silent killer

Felicity Cottle discusses the impact of sepsis and what trusts can do to continue improving early recognition and treatment

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Early puberty in girls tied to bullying in school

(Reuters Health) – Girls who go through puberty early may be more likely than peers who mature later to be involved in bullying at school – either as victims or perpetrators, a recent study suggests.

Source: Reuters Medical News

Reporting outcomes of PCI may not improve care

(Reuters Health) – Public reporting of outcomes for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) was supposed to improve quality, but some doctors say it hasn’t delivered on the goal of enhancing patient care.

Source: Reuters Medical News

Florida officials probe cause of fatal vape device explosion

(Reuters) – Fire investigators are examining whether the battery in an electronic cigarette triggered a small explosion that killed a man in Florida this month, sending fragments of the vape device into his skull, in what may be the first such fatality in the country.

Source: Reuters Medical News