Self-weighing, self-awareness may prevent holiday weight gain

(Reuters Health) – – A brief program that encouraged people to track their weight and to be mindful of the excess energy in every holiday cookie or cup of nog seems to have helped participants get through the holiday season without gaining weight. The trial in the UK recruited participants in November and December of …

Half a million tests and many mosquitoes later, new buzz about a malaria prevention drug

Most malaria drugs are designed to reduce symptoms after infection. They work by blocking replication of the disease-causing parasites in human blood, but they don’t prevent infection or transmission via mosquitoes. What’s worse, the malaria parasite is developing resistance to existing drugs. “In many ways, the search for new malaria drugs has been a search …

The best Cyber Monday beauty deals you can get right now: Ulta, Sephora, and more

Cyber Monday sales have dropped across retailers, and this year’s deals are incredible. Here at Reviewed, we test thousands of products each year, so whether you’re shopping for stocking stuffers for your mom or best friend, if you want to be the bell of any holiday ball, we’ve compiled some of the best deals on …

Cases of rare, polio-like condition in U.S. highest since 2016

A rare, polio-like condition has sickened 116 people in the United States so far this year, the highest number of cases since 2016, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Monday. CDC officials have said they do not know what causes acute flaccid myelitis or AFM, which affects the nervous system and …

Overweight, obese kids have higher asthma risk

Children and teens who are overweight or obese may be more likely to develop asthma, a U.S. study suggests. While obesity has long been linked to asthma in adults, research to date has offered conflicting evidence about whether this also holds true for young people, researchers note in Pediatrics. The current study followed more than …

Mutations boost immunity: Toward a cancer vaccine

Despite significant advances in cancer research, the disease continues to exact a devastating toll. Because cancer is a disease of the body’s own cells, which mutate and develop under evolutionary pressure, conventional treatments like chemotherapy and radiation often leave behind a residue of resistant cells that go on to expand and wreak havoc. The best …